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Halachot of Daily Living

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OU Berachot

We learned previously that if one eats an entire meal of an item that is considered Pat HaBa’ah B’Kisnin, the Berachot recited would be HaMotzi and Birkat HaMazon. Is the amount of Pat HaBa’ah B’Kisnin that would mandate HaMotzi the same for everyone?

No. To require the Beracha of HaMotzi one must eat an amount –  “she’aherim kov’im alav” that other people normally eat for a main meal (Shulhan Aruch O.H. 168:6). The Biur Halacha (ibid) writes that “other people” refers to people of similar physical properties. Rav Belsky, zt”l explains that this refers to people of the same age and build. This may mean that a man or woman, adult or child, will have different levels of what would require them to recite HaMotzi. L’Maase, since this is a contested matter, it is best to eat the amount of 3-4 kabeitzim (around 5-6 ounces).