Matanot La’Evyonim FAQ’s By Rav Mordechai Lebhar, Posek for the SHC and Rosh Kollel LINK, Los Angeles Q: How much do I have to give for Matanot La’Evyonim? A: Ribbi Yaakov Haim Benaim, one of the great sages of Morocco in the 18th century, in his work Zera Yaakov (§11) is the common source quoted regarding this question. Following a lengthy discussion, he finds support in … [Read more...]
It’s Spring Time: Birkat Ha’Ilanot FAQ’s
By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi The Gemara in Berachot[1] states that one who goes out during the days of Nissan and sees blossoming trees should recite the following Beracha: "ברוך אתה השם, אלוקינו מלך העולם, שלא חיסר בעולמו דבר[2], וברא בו בריות טובות ואילנות טובות ליהנות בהם בני אדם" “Blessed are you Hashem, our Lord, King of the universe, who has spared nothing in this world, … [Read more...]
Caring for a Grandparent
Answered by Rabbi Ariel Ovadia Q: My grandfather must be given an injection daily at his home. May I, as a grandchild, administer the injection? A: Yes. The Gemara states that grandchildren are considered like one’s own children. This would have implications regarding the fulfillment of the Mitzvah of having children[1], the obligation to teach one’s sons Torah[2] among … [Read more...]
Hanukkah FAQ’s
Answered by Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi Q: Where should I light if I get married on Hanukkah? A: If the Huppa will take place after star-break, one would fulfill the obligation with the lighting of his parents. One should also light in one’s new home after the wedding, without a Beracha, to satisfy the opinions that the place where one sleeps and lives in the following day is … [Read more...]
Reciting a Beracha on Tefillin
Q: If I take my Tefillin off to go to the bathroom, do I have to recite a Beracha when I put them on again? A: Yes. However, it is best to make a condition before reciting the Beracha that you do not intend the Beracha to carry on if you take them off to go to the bathroom. Maran rules[1] that any time one removes their Tefillin, even if he has in mind to put them back on, … [Read more...]