Introductory Remarks on Sefer Bereshit Parasha & Halacha Series by HaGaon Rav Shmuel Pinhasi shlit"a … [Read more...]
A Kosher Shave
The Halachot of Shaving Adapted by Rabbi Ariel Ovadia[1] Q: I know I can't shave my entire face with a razor, but are there any spots on my face that may be shaved with a razor? A: Shaving the five corners of one's face with a razor is a Biblical prohibition based on the verse: "V'lo tash'hit et pe'at zekanecha" - “and thou shall not destroy the corner of your beard" … [Read more...]
Ma’aser Funds for Communal Needs
By Dayan Yosef Greenwald Q: May one use Ma'aser money to support communal services or institutions that require the support of everyone in the community, such as a Mikveh, a Shul, or an Eruv? According to the rules of Hoshen Mishpat, such support should in fact be obligatory upon all members of the community. Consequently, if the building of the shul needs improvement, such … [Read more...]
Is there a concept of appealing a Bet Din’s decision in Halacha? By Dayan Yitzhak Grossman[1] Introduction In Part 1 of this series, examined a Talmudic precedent for the possibility of appealing a decision of a Bet Din. We noted a few sources which appeared to indicate that appealing a decision would not be recommended or permitted, while others may have supported the idea, … [Read more...]
Eating Etiquette
The Halachot of Proper Dining Adapted by Rabbi Ariel Ovadia[1] I am sitting at the table with my mother. Should I wait for her to take from the main dish first, or am I permitted to serve myself, and then serve her? Maran writes in Shulhan Aruch (O.H. 170:12) that one must allow the more important person present to serve himself or herself first. This even applies when each … [Read more...]