We are all aware of the Torah imperative to avoid even the smallest chance of danger regardless of the financial or physical cost or even if it involves the violation of a Mitzvah. Yet, we intuitively understand that the Torah allows us to drive in a car even though, in 2006, 1.42 people died for every 100 million miles driven. An analysis of some of the rationales for why … [Read more...]
A Trail of Two Cities: Tefilas Haderech in Suburban Driving
Adapted from a Shiur by Rabbi Ari Stauber When the lonely road gets crowded. Hachamim instituted a prayer, Tefillat HaDerech, to be recited by travelers for protection from the dangerous conditions inherent in travel. To say it, one must first be a traveler. A traveler is one who has departed his city. A person traveling within his city never says Tefillat … [Read more...]
Auditory Learning: May a Jew Work for the IRS?
By Rav Yitzhak Grossman “I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you.” Mesira—the enabling of hostile actors to seize property of, or cause harm to, Jews—is a serious Aveira. A number of Poskim have discussed the propriety of a Jew working as a tax auditor, in which capacity he may discover and then be obligated to report Jewish malfeasance, causing the perpetrator to … [Read more...]
Free Wifi
Using a Wireless Internet Connection without Permission Adapted from a Shiur given by Rabbi Zvi Ralbag In today’s world, Poskim are often faced with Halachic questions related to technology that did not exist in earlier times. Take, for example, the following commonly asked question: Is it permitted to use a neighbor’s wireless internet connection without permission? On one … [Read more...]
Tuition Quiz
Tough Questions for Schools and Parents The costs of living in the Orthodox community are rising every year. Along with regular expenses, the cost of Yeshiva tuition is also an increasing financial burden. Likewise, many schools are struggling with financial challenges and are having difficulty making ends meet. How can they pay their teachers when the parents do not pay … [Read more...]