Adapted from a Shiur by Rav Yosef Greenwald Murder in the Park Victor Melo, 16, began his afternoon listening to music in the sprawling national park in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia. At some point a classmate of Victor’s, standing nearby, had her phone stolen. She thought Victor did it and called out for help. Her friends, assisted by onlookers from whom a pair of … [Read more...]
The California Wildfires II: Who Is Responsible?
Part 2 Electrical Fire: In Part 1 of this series, we stated that if someone lights a fire in a way that it should technically have been stopped before reaching his friend’s property – for example, a wall separated the two fields – all opinions would agree that the fire has the status of Mamon HaMazik (damaging via one’s “property”, as opposed to damaging in person) and, … [Read more...]
Paying With Fire
By: Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Who Is Responsible for the California Wildfires? The recent severe fires in northern California, with the ensuing tragic loss of life and of property, gives us all pause to reflect on the great kindness of Hashem and to realize how much we depend on Him to protect us every moment of our lives. That being said, we also can take some time to … [Read more...]
Killer Be Killed: Should One Refuse To Save a Murderer?
Adapted from the writings of Rav Shmuel Honigwachs The Pittsburgh nurse speaks. I am The Jewish Nurse. Yes, that Jewish Nurse. The same one that people are talking about in the Pittsburgh shooting that left 11 dead. The trauma nurse in the ER that cared for Robert Bowers who yelled, "Death to all Jews," as he was wheeled into the hospital. The Jewish nurse who ran into … [Read more...]
Labor Party: The Year-End Challenges of a Jew in Office
Adapted from a Shiur by Rav Yosef Greenwald Professional party politics, properly played. Thanksgiving opens the American “holiday season,” which culminates in New Year’s Day. For a Jew working in a non-Jewish office, this period often features events and practices that occasion Halachic quandaries. Chief among those are office holiday parties and gift exchanges. We … [Read more...]