Gifts to the Lender Sending a gift to the lender as a token of appreciation has a different set of rules. If the gift is sent before the loan is repaid, it is considered Avak Ribbit. If however, the gift is sent after the loan has been repaid, it falls under the category of Ribbit Me’uheret (belated interest) and is subject to the following guidelines. If the borrower … [Read more...]
Sephardic Halacha Journal for Parshat Ha’azinu
Click below link to download our Print version of our Halacha Journal. SHJ PRINT HA'AZINU … [Read more...]
Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshat Nitzavim
Masechet Menachot: Daf 28: Daf 29: Daf 30: Daf 31: Daf 32: Daf 33: Daf 34: … [Read more...]
Paying on Time
The obligation of paying one’s employees on time By Dayan Yehoshua Grunwald The Mitzvah Hiring an employee comes along with the responsibility of many Torah and rabbinic commandments, the most basic of which is paying on time. On a biblical level, when an employer doesn't pay his employee within the end of the day (or night) of the last day of a work cycle, he can … [Read more...]