By Rav Yehonatan Sasportas In this week’s Parasha, we read about the prohibition of lending and borrowing with interest – “Ribbit”. The Torah writes that this prohibition applies only to Jews. In the following article we will discuss the various details of this Halacha. There are various approaches among the Rishonim regarding taking Ribbit from a non-Jew. The … [Read more...]
Parashat Emor
Worth the Trip: Traveling and Preparing for a Mitzvah By: Dayan Yosef Greenwald … [Read more...]
Parasha and Halacha
Sefer Bereshit Bereshit Noah Lech- Lecha Vayera Haye- Sara Toledot Vayetze Vayishlah Vayesheb Miketz Vayigash Vayehi … [Read more...]
Tuition Quiz
By: Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Tough Questions for Schools and Parents The costs of living in the Orthodox community are rising every year. Along with regular expenses, the cost of Yeshiva tuition is also an increasing financial burden. Likewise, many schools are struggling with financial challenges and are having difficulty making ends meet. How can they pay their teachers when … [Read more...]
Bet HaVaad Halacha Journal For Parshat Pekudei
Click below links to download the PDF version of our Halacha Journal: Pekudei PDF … [Read more...]