By: Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Tough Questions for Schools and Parents The costs of living in the Orthodox community are rising every year. Along with regular expenses, the cost of Yeshiva tuition is also an increasing financial burden. Likewise, many schools are struggling with financial challenges and are having difficulty making ends meet. How can they pay their teachers when … [Read more...]
Credit Guaranteed: Arvut and Honor
The Value of Credibility By: Rabbi Tzvi Price One of the aspects of the study of Choshen Mishpat that makes it so extraordinary, is the way in which it combines razor-sharp logic and strict legalism, with the swirling emotion and drama that money seems to always engender. The Torah looks into a person’s heart, understands the assumptions, the emotions, the motives that … [Read more...]
Bet HaVaad Halacha Journal For Parshat Re’eih
Click below links to download the PDF version of our Halacha Journal: Print the Re'eih Full Version Print the 2 Page Shul Version … [Read more...]
Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshat Re’eih
Meseches Krisus Daf 9- 15 Converting Your Dishes- Daf 9 Tzeddakah: How Little is Too Little? - Daf 10 An Unusual Sacrifice: Asham Shifcha Charufa - Daf 11 Enjoyed Your Coffee? - Daf 12 Paskening Under the Influence - Daf 13 Added Forbidden Benefit - Daf 14 Drying Hair on Shabbos - Daf 15 … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
Is there a bracha that should be recited on a hurricane? Maran, the Shulchan Aruch writes (OH 227:1) that on a exceptionally strong wind, one makes the beracha of "HaOseh Ma'aseh Bereshit" The Kaf HaChaim explains, in the name of the Birchei Yosef and other poskim, that on an extraordinary wind that is not heard all over the world, (presumably this means until … [Read more...]