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Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshat Shoftim
Mesechet Krisus Daf 16- 22 Daf 16- Set Your Clock: Following Rov for Zmanim Daf 17- Unfit for Lechem Mishne Daf 18- Unfit for Lechem Mishne Daf 19- A Mindless Transgression? Daf 20- Checkin Eggs Daf 21- Eating the Orlah Skin? Daf 22- Imitation Milk & Meat … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
I have a vitamin pill that contains kosher liver. If I take this vitamin, will I become meaty? HaRav Yitschak Yosef shlita in Yalkut Yosef (89:29) paskens like Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l (Igros Moshe YD 2:26) that if one swallows a meaty vitamin pill, one would not become meaty. The two reasons given for waiting six hours (i.e. that meat might be lodged between one’s teeth, … [Read more...]
Ribbit: Matters of Interest
TRADING MEALS A group of friends agreed to take turns sponsoring their weekly dinner at a local eatery. Each week a different one of the group would pick up the tab. Since it is inevitable that the cost will vary slightly from week to week, is there a problem of ribbit if one meal is more expensive than a previous one? May synagogue members … [Read more...]
Parshat Shoftim This week's parsha opens with the commandment to appoint law enforcement officers and judges, emphasizing the importance of a just legal system, followed by the appointment of a king, who must act modestly, and concludes with the halachot of going to war, obligating a Jew to act with the highest level of morality, even at this time of bloodshed and the … [Read more...]