Meseches Chulin Daf 66-72 Daf 66 Daf 67 Daf 68 Daf 69 Daf 70 Daf 71 Daf 72 … [Read more...]
The Halachot of Daily Living
What Beracha is recited on peanut butter (a spoonful of peanut butter eaten plain)? There are two opinions regarding the Beracha on peanut butter. Here, we will discuss the opinion that the Beracha on peanut butter is Shehakol. The Shulhan Aruch (OH 208:8) writes that one recites Ha’adama on cooked beans. The Rama adds that if the beans completely disintegrate, one … [Read more...]
Ribbit: Matters of Interest
PURCHASING A HOME UNDER SOMEONE ELSE’S NAME Sometimes, when a person cannot obtain a mortgage using his own name, he may ask a relative to obtain the mortgage for him. We will refer to the person trying to purchase the home as the buyer, and the one obtaining the mortgage as the relative. The relative would then legally buy the house and take out a mortgage under his own … [Read more...]
Who’s Boss: Eved Ivri and The Torah’s Message for Employees
Adapted from a Shiur by Rav Yosef Greenwald on Parashat Mishpatim (והגישו אדוניו אל האלוהים והגישו אל הדלת או אל המזוזה ורצע אדוניו את אזנו במרצע ועבדו לעולם (שמות כא:ו Halacha recognizes two types of workers: – Employee paid by the hour, e.g., an office manager hired for a 9-5 job – Employee paid by task, such as a contractor hired to build a … [Read more...]
The Heart of the Matter
By Rav Yehonatan D. Hool – Bet HaVaad, Yerushalayim The Torah discusses the garments that the Kohanim wore in their service in the Mishkan. The Gemara (Zevahim 88b) explains that each one of the garments that the Kohanim wore atoned for a different sin. The Gemara relates that the Hoshen HaMishpat, the breastplate, atoned for erroneous judgments. The Kli Yakar (28:15) … [Read more...]