What Beracha does one recite on granulated cane sugar? The Shulhan Aruch (O.H. 202:15) follows the opinion of the Rambam that the Beracha for sugar is Shehakol. The Mishna Berura writes that since there are varying opinions in the Rishonim as to the Beracha for cane sugar, B’Di’avad (after the fact), if one recited Ha’Etz (opinion of the Tur) or Ha’Adama (opinion of the … [Read more...]
Ribbit: Matters of Interest
USUAL AND UNUSUAL FAVORS May a person do favors for someone he owes money to? For example, Reuven, who owes Shimon money, was in a Sefarim store and saw a Sefer that Shimon always wanted. May he do him a favor and buy the Sefer? What if they always exchange favors? What if they became friends through the loan process? A teacher lent money to a student for a taxi ride … [Read more...]
Talkin’ Tech: Using the Nest Home System on Shabbat
Shiur on Parashat Teruma from Rabbi Mordechai Lebhar The Nest thermostat’s main function is to be energy efficient by learning the behavior of the dwellers of the house. Can one have it on on Shabbat? There are a few potential issues. Firstly, when you pass by the thermostat it shows you the temperature. This can be easily solved by turning off that function. Another … [Read more...]
A Defective Shaitel and the Wedding is Tommorow!
By: Rabbi Baruch Meir Levin Q: My wife recently purchased a brand new Shaitel for my sister’s wedding. Everything seemed perfect as she wore the Shaitel the past few weeks. To our great dismay, my wife just noticed that the Shaitel is missing some hair and is a defective product. My wife is adamant about returning this Shaitel but we are in a very uncomfortable bind. On the … [Read more...]
Bet HaVaad Halacha Journal for Parshat Mishpatim
Click below links to download PDF versions of our Halacha Journal: Print Full Version Mishpatim Full Version Print Print 2 Page Shul Version Mishpatim Print … [Read more...]