Regarding favors and Ribbit, the following levels of friendship and favors are discussed in Halacha: Acquaintances: Favors one would not have done otherwise: A private favor the borrower would not have done previously for the lender, may not be extended to the lender during the loan period (i.e., using the lender’s alarm clock without permission) even with the lender’s … [Read more...]
Holy Oil: Understanding the Miracle of Hanukkah
A Parasha & Halacha Shiur Summary, Parashat Tetzave by Rabbi Moshe Medrez The Gemara in Shabbat 21b relates the story of the miracle of Hanukkah. Maran asks the famous question (which was asked by many Rishonim): why is Hanukkah 8 days and not 7 days if they found oil that would last for at least the first day? The Tosafot HaRosh gives his own three answers: 1. They … [Read more...]
A Yored: The Fee When It’s Free
Paying for Unsolicited Services By: Dayan David Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad One may think that the Halacha of “Yored” (one who improves his friend’s property without permission) does not often apply. According to the Gemara, a person who completes a job without the owner asking for it, is called a “Yored L’Toch Sede Havero Shelo BiRshut” - a person who goes into his … [Read more...]
Mob Rules: Does the Torah Sanction Vigilante Justice? Part III
Adapted from a shiur by Rav Yosef Greenwald Going alone Bet Din has a side job in addition to Mishpat (justice): to serve as Shotrim – officers (Devarim 16:18). This function requires Bet Din, in certain circumstances, to intervene to protect society from those that would menace it. If a troublemaker were to make a practice of causing damage via Gerama (indirectly), Bet … [Read more...]
Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshat Teruma
Meseches Chulin: Daf 73- 79 Daf 73 Daf 74 Daf 75 Daf 76 Daf 77 Daf 78 Daf 79 … [Read more...]