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Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshat Ki Tisa
Meseches Chulin Daf 87- 93 Daf 87 Daf 88 Daf 89 Daf 90 Daf 91 Daf 92 Daf 93 … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
Does the obligation to recite one hundred Berachot apply even on Shabbat? Yes. Although on Shabbat the Tefillot contain fewer Berachot, one must still fill the quota of 100 Berachot. On Friday night, one recites 11 Berachot during Arvit, and an additional 47 Berachot are recited during Shaharit, Musaf and Minha. One must eat three meals on Shabbat which adds another … [Read more...]
Ribbit: Matters of Interest
USING A BORROWER’S CD OR MP3 PLAYER Reuven owes Shimon money. May Shimon use Reuven’s CD or MP3 player without permission if he knows Reuven lets others use it without permission? May Shimon take some of Reuven’s coffee in the coffee room without permission, if he is sure Reuven doesn’t mind? Shimon may not use the CD or MP3 player without Reuven’s knowledge. This … [Read more...]
Distracted by Design: How to stay focused in our Tefillah?
Summary of Parasha & Halacha Shiur on Ki Tissa by Rav Yehoshua Sova In this Parasha we read about the sin of the golden calf. This sin was caused by a disconnect between the Jews and Hashem, as the Gemara compares this to a bride leaving her Huppah for another man. That’s why the Midrash says they made 13 calves, one for each Shevet, because they weren’t … [Read more...]