The (Putative) Hegemony of the “Billionaire Class” By: Rav Yitzhak Grossman, Dayan at the Bet HaVaad The central theme of the presidential campaign of self-described “democratic socialist” Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is a scathing denunciation of what he considers the outrageous influence of money in politics: “This great nation and its government belong to all of the … [Read more...]
Digging for Din: May We Learn Halacha from Archeology?
Torah amid the ruins The archeology world was recently excited by the discovery of a marked “Beka” (Mahatzit HaShekel) weight in a dig at the Kotel. A small stone bearing an inscription that archeologists identified as the word “Beka”—written backwards—was unearthed in Kotel excavations at Robinson’s Arch five years ago. Nobody got excited at the time, because nobody … [Read more...]
Buyout Offer
A Parasha & Halacha Shiur by Rabbi Chaim Naftali Dissolving a partnership via Gud on Iggud In order to split a partnership there must be a sizeable enough share left for each individual partner. For example, if they own a joint courtyard and want to split it, each of the partners must receive a share that can still be considered a courtyard. If this is not the case, … [Read more...]
Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshat Pekude
Meseches Chulin Daf 101- 107 Daf 101 Daf 102 Daf 103 Daf 104 Daf 105 Daf 106 Daf 107 … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
Laws Related to Berachot These are some Berachot which fall in the middle between the two categories mentioned last week– that is – they aren’t clearly obligatory or not obligatory, and it is questionable if they can count as part of the 100 Berachot or not: Amen in response to the blessing on an Aliya to the Torah, or on the Berachot of the Haftarah: On the one hand, the … [Read more...]