Parasha and Halacha Shiur Summary on P. Shemini, by Dayan Shlomo Cohen The Jewish method of slaughter has been under attack for many years in Europe. In Switzerland it is forbidden, and the EU has a recommendation that animals be pre-stunned (which is a Halachic issue, as we shall see). So is Shehita, the Jewish ritual slaughter, humane? Firstly, we must note that everyone … [Read more...]
Who Is At Fault For a Default?
Reneging on an Agreement Part I By: Rabbi Yosef Greenwald There are two categories of agreements which can affect when an agreement is broken. In Bava Metzia, 49A, the Gemara discusses two different types of contractual agreements and the ramifications of nullifying each one. Kinyan Kesef: When Goods Have Changed Hands This Mishna states that … [Read more...]
A Tale of Two Citgos: Oil Change in Venezuela
Adapted from a shiur by Rav Daniel Dombroff Whose oil is it? Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves of any country in the world, estimated in 2017 at 300 million barrels. But its people are starving. No war or natural disaster brought what was once the fourth-richest country on Earth to its knees. The crisis resulted almost entirely from choices and policy … [Read more...]
Scroll Call: May One Hear the Megilla by Electronic Means?
Adapted from a shiur by Rav Eliezer Gewirtzman Answering the call One Purim some years ago, I was about to begin the Megilla reading when a man approached and placed a cell phone on the bima. He explained that his father lived in a place with no Megilla reading; could he listen to ours by phone? The Halachot Ketanot (2:276) discusses the case of a man reading the Megilla … [Read more...]
Bet HaVaad Halacha Journal For Parshat Tzav
Click below links to download the PDF version of our Halacha Journal: Print the Tzav PDF: Download … [Read more...]