Up All Night: Birkot HaTorah After Staying up Shavu’ot Night Rabbi Eytan Aviv … [Read more...]
Butter Batter: The Halachot of Baking Dairy or Meat Pastries
By Rav Ariel Ovadia As Shavu’ot approaches, all of us look forward to reaccepting the Torah and celebrating its study. Oh… and the dairy delicacies we don’t often get to enjoy. Many recipes involve a dairy version of a baked good; a topic which is discussed in the Shulhan Aruch and which we will attempt to cover in the following article. Pareve Pastries The Gemara in a … [Read more...]
Shavu’ot Q&A
By Rav Moshe Pinchasi [1] When should we pray Arvit or recite Kiddush on Shavu’ot night? One should wait with the Kiddush until the earliest definition starbreak (25 min.- 40 min. after sunset). The Magen Avraham cites the Emek Beracha that one should wait until it is completely night (Tzet HaKochavim) before saying Kiddush on Shavu’ot night as the Sefira should be … [Read more...]
Pay Day: Paying Your Employees Q&A
By Rav Eliezer Cohen [1] Witholding Pay as Negotiation Tactic Question: A business owner with many employees thought of a way to cut corners and maximize his bottom line; he realized that if he doesn’t pay his workers their salaries on time, they would become anxious and would agree to accept less than what they are owed. Is he permitted to use this … [Read more...]
Cash is King: Lending to a non-Jew with Interest
By Rav Yehonatan Sasportas In this week’s Parasha, we read about the prohibition of lending and borrowing with interest – “Ribbit”. The Torah writes that this prohibition applies only to Jews. In the following article we will discuss the various details of this Halacha. There are various approaches among the Rishonim regarding taking Ribbit from a non-Jew. The … [Read more...]