Laws related to Berachos The Hayye Adam (61:4) writes that the Beracha on cloves is “Bore Mine Besamim”. He explains that although cloves are the fruit of a tree and rightfully the Beracha should be “HaNoten Reah Tov BaPerot”, nonetheless since cloves are completely inedible, it is inappropriate to refer to them as a fruit. Since cloves do not fit into any of the other … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
Laws related to Berachot In a recent Halacha Yomit you mentioned that according to many opinions the Beracha on cloves is Bore Mine Besamim. Can you please explain why? On which other spices does one recite Bore Mine Besamim? The Beracha of “Bore Mine Besamim” is recited on spices that don’t fit into any of the general categories. On aromatic fruit, we say the blessing … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
Are women obligated to recite one hundred Berachot daily? Many Poskim write that women are exempt from this Mitzvah. As evidence, the Shevet HaLevi (5:23) points out that the Rishonim who list the hundred Berachot recited each day include the Berachos that are recited on Tallit and Tefillin. Since women do not recite these Berachos, this would indicate that … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
Laws related to Berachot When does the day begin for the counting of one hundred Berachot? Does one begin counting from sunset, when the Halachic day begins, or does one begin counting from the morning? Poskim, such as the Mishna Berura (46:14), include the Beracha of HaMapil (which is recited at night before going to sleep) as one of the beginning Berachot of the day, in … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
Laws Related to Berachot These are some Berachot which fall in the middle between the two categories mentioned last week– that is – they aren’t clearly obligatory or not obligatory, and it is questionable if they can count as part of the 100 Berachot or not: Amen in response to the blessing on an Aliya to the Torah, or on the Berachot of the Haftarah: On the one hand, the … [Read more...]