I have a vitamin pill that contains kosher liver. If I take this vitamin, will I become meaty? HaRav Yitschak Yosef shlita in Yalkut Yosef (89:29) paskens like Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l (Igros Moshe YD 2:26) that if one swallows a meaty vitamin pill, one would not become meaty. The two reasons given for waiting six hours (i.e. that meat might be lodged between one’s teeth, … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
Is there a bracha that should be recited on a hurricane? Maran, the Shulchan Aruch writes (OH 227:1) that on a exceptionally strong wind, one makes the beracha of "HaOseh Ma'aseh Bereshit" The Kaf HaChaim explains, in the name of the Birchei Yosef and other poskim, that on an extraordinary wind that is not heard all over the world, (presumably this means until … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
I’m going on a trip and I don’t have a proper Netilat Yadayim cup. Can I use a disposable cup? The halacha requires that one use a keli (vessel) for Netilat Yadayim. The Poskim differ as to whether a disposable cup (such as a paper cup, or plastic bottle) is acceptable. Igrot Moshe (OC 4:39) ruled that one should not use a disposable cup for kiddush because kiddush requires … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
Q: Can one use toothpaste, lipstick, or medicines which may have a Hametz ingredient on Pessah? Answered by Rabbi Moshe Pinhasi A: Anything that is unsuitable for the consumption of a dog prior to Pessah, may be kept in one’s possession but is nevertheless forbidden to eat MiD’Rabbanan[1]. With regards to toothpaste, lipstick and the like, since one does not intend on … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
OU Berachot We learned previously that if one eats an entire meal of an item that is considered Pat HaBa’ah B’Kisnin, the Berachot recited would be HaMotzi and Birkat HaMazon. Is the amount of Pat HaBa’ah B’Kisnin that would mandate HaMotzi the same for everyone? No. To require the Beracha of HaMotzi one must eat an amount - “she’aherim kov’im alav” that other people … [Read more...]