ASKING THE BORROWER TO CASH A CHECK A person asks his friend for a loan. His friend agrees to lend him money, but since he only has a check, he tells him to cash the check, borrow the amount he needs, and return the rest… A fellow asks his friend for a loan. The would-be lender claims he has no money, but gives the borrower some merchandise to sell with the … [Read more...]
Ribbit: Matters of Interest
Purchasing Items from the Store A neighbor borrows money to go shopping at the local supermarket. The lender asks the borrower if they can buy an item for him as well, and adds another few dollars for the purchase. Is the lender transgressing any prohibition of Ribbit by imposing this request on the borrower? Possibly. The Yerushalmi actually uses such a case as an … [Read more...]
A Ride to a Wedding A few friends are seeking a ride to a wedding. If the driver happens to owe money to any of them, may he offer the lender a ride? May he give the lender preference over other people if there isn’t enough room for everyone? The driver is allowed to give the lender a ride, since he probably would have done so regardless of the loan. If he is not … [Read more...]
Ribbit: Matters of Interest
Corporate Gifts Many startup businesses are created through an agreement in which an investor provides funding with a Heter Iska contract. May the business owner send the investor annual corporate gifts, or an extravagant Mishloah Manot on Purim? Poskim disagree whether the restrictions of Avak Ribbit apply to parties of an Iska partnership. Some permit these gifts as … [Read more...]
Ribbit: Matters of Interest
GIVING THE LENDER AN ALIYAH David, the Gabbai in shul in charge of giving out the Aliyot, happens to owe money to Moshe, another member of the shul. May he offer Moshe an Aliyah? May he offer him Shelishi or Maftir? If an acquaintance of the Gabbai, to whom he owes money for a loan, happens to be praying in the shul one day, may the Gabbai show gratitude by … [Read more...]