Paying for Unsolicited Services By: Dayan David Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad One may think that the Halacha of “Yored” (one who improves his friend’s property without permission) does not often apply. According to the Gemara, a person who completes a job without the owner asking for it, is called a “Yored L’Toch Sede Havero Shelo BiRshut” - a person who goes into his … [Read more...]
A Defective Shaitel and the Wedding is Tommorow!
By: Rabbi Baruch Meir Levin Q: My wife recently purchased a brand new Shaitel for my sister’s wedding. Everything seemed perfect as she wore the Shaitel the past few weeks. To our great dismay, my wife just noticed that the Shaitel is missing some hair and is a defective product. My wife is adamant about returning this Shaitel but we are in a very uncomfortable bind. On the … [Read more...]
The Heart of the Matter
By Rav Yehonatan D. Hool – Bet HaVaad, Yerushalayim The Torah discusses the garments that the Kohanim wore in their service in the Mishkan. The Gemara (Zevahim 88b) explains that each one of the garments that the Kohanim wore atoned for a different sin. The Gemara relates that the Hoshen HaMishpat, the breastplate, atoned for erroneous judgments. The Kli Yakar (28:15) … [Read more...]
The Catering Salesman: When Does He Get Paid?
Payment requirements for the private salesman By Dayan Dovid Grossman There is one Halachic classification of work which can lend itself to confusion. A Po’el – laborer – who works by the hour is called a S’chir Yom (lit. day laborer). An independent contractor, who is paid by the job, is a Kablan. Each of these categories comes with its own set of rules and … [Read more...]
Taking Work Personal: Borrowing Office Supplies
Can an employee take office supplies or borrow the company projector for personal use? By: Dayan Dovid Grossman, Shlita, Rosh Bet HaVaad Using Office Supplies In a busy office, supplies and paper items have a way of coming and going. Paper clips, pens and staplers are lost and found within the full routine of office life. While some items may go missing as a … [Read more...]