Reneging on an Agreement Part I By: Rabbi Yosef Greenwald There are two categories of agreements which can affect when an agreement is broken. In Bava Metzia, 49A, the Gemara discusses two different types of contractual agreements and the ramifications of nullifying each one. Kinyan Kesef: When Goods Have Changed Hands This Mishna states that … [Read more...]
Matanot La’Evyonim FAQ’s
By Rav Mordechai Lebhar, Posek for the SHC and Rosh Kollel LINK, Los Angeles Q: How much do I have to give for Matanot La’Evyonim? A: Ribbi Yaakov Haim Benaim, one of the great sages of Morocco in the 18th century, in his work Zera Yaakov (§11) is the common source quoted regarding this question. Following a lengthy discussion, he finds support in the commentary of the … [Read more...]
One Dollar, One Vote?
The (Putative) Hegemony of the “Billionaire Class” By: Rav Yitzhak Grossman, Dayan at the Bet HaVaad The central theme of the presidential campaign of self-described “democratic socialist” Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is a scathing denunciation of what he considers the outrageous influence of money in politics: “This great nation and its government belong to all of the … [Read more...]
The Crown Jewels Part 1: Who is responsible for stolen collateral?
By Dayan Yosef Greenwald I was recently walking in Midtown Manhattan and I passed by a famous bank. Outside of the bank was a glass display case with a beautiful collection of jewelry, including necklaces, watches and earrings that were obviously worth millions of dollars. I discovered that the jewelry was actually the crown jewels of a European royal family. The country was … [Read more...]
Dipping the Keurig Machine and Other Sensitive Electric Appliances Reviewed by Rav Mordechai Lebhar, Rosh Kollel Link Los Angeles and Posek for the SHC[1] A staple in the modern day work place, the Keurig coffee machine is a source of delight and relaxation from the day-to-day stress of the office. Having brewed coffee in a matter of seconds without a lingering mess is a … [Read more...]