Hezek on the Safari Rav Yonoson Hool Let us begin with a story. Mr. Cohen is taking his family on a trip to the local safari park. He rides, uneventfully, with his family through the park. At one point Mr. Cohen gets out of his car to wash Netilat Yadaim so that he can eat his lunch. Mr. Cohen leaves the car door open and while he is out of the car a … [Read more...]
Teshuva for Shoplifting
By Rabbi Yitzchok Basser Q: In his teenage years, someone shoplifted from a store owned by a family friend. He wants to make amends. Is it sufficient to anonymously return the value of the item stolen, or must he take the difficult step of identifying himself and asking mehila. A: It is preferable to ask mehila, but he is not required to do so. In a case of … [Read more...]
Pessah Issues from the Medical Halacha Yomit Series
By Rabbi Ariel Ovadia Unconscious Sale Q: Should one sell the Hametz of an unconscious patient? Is such a Mechira valid? A: A spouse or custodian can and should sell the Hametz of an unconscious or demented patient. The Poskim debate whether there is a need to sell an unconscious person’s Hametz. Some Poskim hold that the Hametz of a patient who falls under the … [Read more...]
Ramifications of a Broken Kinyan : Reneging on an Agreement Part III
By: Rabbi Yosef Greenwald The Offense of the Mi ShePara As we discussed in the previous segments, when one reneges on a Kinyan Kessef (backing out after the money was given, before taking the item into one’s possesion), he is subjected to the following curse: “Mi shepara, m'anshe dor hamabul um'anshei dor hapalaga, hu yifra etc.”. He (Hashem), who avenged the generation … [Read more...]
Ramifications of a Broken Kinyan: Reneging on an Agreement Part II
By: Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Did a broken Kinyan (transactional act) work in the first place? As we discussed last week, breaking a Kinyan Kesef – a transactional act where money was paid or a down payment was made on an item or moveable object – carries with it the Mi ShePara curse. Once a person reneges on a completed Kinyan, there is a discussion among the Poskim if it … [Read more...]