The Halachic Considerations of Hiring - Part 1 By Dayan Yehoshua Wolfe As giddy graduates enter the workforce, employers are not only tasked with finding the best match for their businesses, but also with determining how to structure their employment. Parashat Behar is a most fitting time to discuss employment-related issues, as the Torah issues the guiding principle of … [Read more...]
Last Minute Job
A Parasha & Halacha Audio Shiur for Parashat Behar-Behukotai 5777, by Dayan Shlomo Cohen … [Read more...]
A Helping Hand
Giving Tzedakka to Shul Solicitors By Rav Yehonatan Sasportas Q: Am I required to contribute to a poor man soliciting funds in shul if I wasn't personally asked for a donation or if I am in the middle of my Tefilla? A: The Mitzvah of Tzedakka comprises both a negative and a positive commandment. The Torah (Devarim 15, 7-8) says “Lo Te'ametz” – “you shall not harden your … [Read more...]
Might as Well…
Are you allowed to use an item that you intend to return? By Dayan Yehoshua Grunwald As we discussed in previous articles, sometimes the buyer has the right to return an item to the seller while, at times, it may be subject to the seller’s discretion. An important discussion regarding an item that is bound for return as it was a Mekah Ta’ut – a mistaken purchase – pertains to … [Read more...]
Accepting Returns
Enacting a Halachically viable return policy By Dayan Yehoshua Grunwald Q: I have a store and it is too costly to accept returns from everyone that claims that the merchandise was defective. What can I do to resolve the issue of Mekah Ta’ut (a mistaken purchase)? A: There are two distinct issues with sales of defective merchandise: one of Genevat Da’at (tricking the buyer) … [Read more...]