Adapted from an article by Rabbi Baruch M. Levine In today’s business environment, most companies understand that they can no longer rely on a storefront and local community marketing to survive and turn a profit. Globalization, large corporations, and the dominance of digital media have forced business owners to find ways to establish a significant presence on the web. Many … [Read more...]
Dipping the Keurig Machine and Other Sensitive Electric Appliances Reviewed by Rav Mordechai Lebhar, Rosh Kollel Link Los Angeles and Posek for the SHC[1] A staple in the modern day work place, the Keurig coffee machine is a source of delight and relaxation from the day-to-day stress of the office. Having brewed coffee in a matter of seconds without a lingering mess is a … [Read more...]
A Yored: The Fee When It’s Free
Paying for Unsolicited Services By: Dayan David Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad One may think that the Halacha of “Yored” (one who improves his friend’s property without permission) does not often apply. According to the Gemara, a person who completes a job without the owner asking for it, is called a “Yored L’Toch Sede Havero Shelo BiRshut” - a person who goes into his … [Read more...]
The Heart of the Matter
By Rav Yehonatan D. Hool – Bet HaVaad, Yerushalayim The Torah discusses the garments that the Kohanim wore in their service in the Mishkan. The Gemara (Zevahim 88b) explains that each one of the garments that the Kohanim wore atoned for a different sin. The Gemara relates that the Hoshen HaMishpat, the breastplate, atoned for erroneous judgments. The Kli Yakar (28:15) … [Read more...]
Ribbit: Matters of Interest
Cosigning and Similar Concepts It is definitely permitted for a Jew to co-sign as a standard Arev (guarantor) on a loan initiated by a public company. Being that the terms are that the lender will turn to the borrower for payment first, he is considered the borrower and the cosigner is merely guaranteeing the loan in the event of default. On the other hand, an Arev of the … [Read more...]