Q: Do women recite Birkat Ha’Ilanot? Can one recite Birkat Ha’Ilanot after Nissan? Answered by Rabbi Moshe Pinhasi A: Women may also recite Birkat Ha’Ilanot[1] as many Poskim maintain that one may recite the Beracha even after Nissan if there are still blossoming trees[2], thus, it would not be considered a time-bound Mitzva. Even according to the opinions that one may … [Read more...]
Birkat Ha’Ilanot on Shabbat
Q: May one recite Birkat Ha’Ilanot on Shabbat? Answered by Rabbi Moshe Pinhasi A: Some say[1] that one should not recite this Beracha on Shabbat because – according to Kabbala – by reciting this Beracha one is sorting out particles of Keddusha from the trees, which is akin to sorting [בורר] on Shabbat. They are also concerned that one may come to detach a flower or branch … [Read more...]
Koshering Utensils for Pessah
Q: How can I kosher my oven for Pessah? May I use the hot-plate on Pessah? Answered by Rabbi Moshe Pinhasi A: With regards to an oven, the Ohr L’Tziyon[1] takes a strict position, asserting that it is virtually impossible to kosher an oven, even if it is not electric[2]. However, Hacham Ovadia Yosef, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach זצ"ל and others[3] allow for koshering an oven … [Read more...]
Mishloah Manot through an Emissary
Q: Should one only send Mishloah Manot through an emissary? A: Some Poskim derive from the Megilla’s expression: “Mishloah” Manot – which means to send, that it is preferable not to deliver the Mishloah Manot yourself but rather send it through an emissary[1]. Some even maintain that this is the only way to fulfill the Mitzva[2]. However, the custom is to rely on the Poskim … [Read more...]
Megilla Reading for Women
Q: Does one recite a Beracha over reading the Megilla for women, if he has already heard the Megilla himself? A: Although some Poskim worry about reciting a Beracha at a women’s reading, because of the possibility that the Megilla is not being heard properly[1], many Poskim[2] do require the reader to recite the Beracha – as per Minhag Yerushalayim – especially in our days … [Read more...]