Q: When Pessah night falls out on Shabbat – as it does this year – do we recite the Beracha Me’en Sheva in the synagogue? Answered by Rabbi Moshe Pinhasi A: Most Poskim[1] are of the opinion that this blessing, which is recited for extra protection on Lel Shabbat, should be omitted on Pessah night which is in itself a Lel Shimurim – a night of protection. This, despite … [Read more...]
Hametz in Medicines and Cosmetics
Q: Can one use toothpaste, lipstick, or medicines which may have a Hametz ingredient on Pessah? Answered by Rabbi Moshe Pinhasi A: Anything that is unsuitable for the consumption of a dog prior to Pessah, may be kept in one’s possession but is nevertheless forbidden to eat MiD’Rabbanan[1]. With regards to toothpaste, lipstick and the like, since one does not intend on … [Read more...]
Flashlight for Bedikat Hametz
Q: Can one use a flashlight for Bedikat Hametz? Answered by Rabbi David Ani A: It is advisable to use a candle for a few minutes following the Beracha, after which one can then put it out and use a small flashlight for the rest to the search[1]. Sources: [1] השו"ע (ס' תלג ס"ב) פסק שיש לבדוק דוקא לאור נר שעוה, ודעת גדולי הפוסקים [שו"ת יחו"ד (ח"א ס"ד) ובחזו"ע (פסח, … [Read more...]
Light On for Bedikat Hametz
Q: Does one have to turn off the lights for Bedikat Hametz? Answered by Rabbi David Ani A: No[1]. Sources: [1] חזו"ע (הל' פסח עמ' מ) אול"צ (ח"ג פ"ז ס"ז) ועוד, ומה שאמרו (חולין ס:) שאור הנר אינו מועיל ביום, היינו משום דעכ"פ הנר מאיר בחורים וסדקים, אבל במקומות הגלויים אור החשמל יפה ממנו, דלא גרע ממי שלא בדק בלילה שבודק ביתו ביום לאור הנר, ואפי' שיש בבית הרבה אור, וכן … [Read more...]
Checking Books for Hametz
Q: Must one check their books for crumbs of Hametz? Answered by Rabbi David Ani A: While some Poskim[1] worry about finding crumbs in one’s books, especially books that are placed on the table with food from time to time, however, it has never been the Sephardic custom to be concerned about this[2]. Sources: [1] הגר"א במעשה רב אות קעח, וכן מובא שעשו החזו"א … [Read more...]