Q: What should one do if he forgot to say “HaMelech HaMishpat” on Asseret Yeme Teshuva? A: According to Maran[1], if he remembers within three seconds (“Toch Kede Dibbur”), he may say it then. If he remembers after that time, or after starting the next Beracha, he must go back to “Hashiva”. If one only remembers after finishing the Amida, he should repeat the Amida, because … [Read more...]
Rosh HaShana FAQ’s
By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi Q: Do women have to hear the Shofar? A: Women are exempt from hearing the Shofar as it is a time-bound positive Mitzvah[1]. However, the proper custom is that women come to the Bet Kenesset to hear Shofar[2]. One who is blowing only for women he should not recite a Beracha, nevertheless, it is permitted to carry the Shofar through Reshut HaRabbim on … [Read more...]
Accepting Shabbat Early
Q: My husband accepts Shabbat early every week, but I still have to get some things done in the house before Shabbat starts. Am I bound by his Kabbalat Shabbat? A: Although the P’ri Megadim[1] is in doubt whether when a father prays Arvit of Shabbat early, his family is automatically included in that acceptance of Shabbat. The late Aharonim debate about the final Halacha. … [Read more...]
Tish’a B’Av FAQ’s
By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi Torah study on Shabbat afternoon, Erev Tish’a B’Av Q: Must one refrain from general Torah-study on the Shabbat afternoon of Erev Tish’a B’Av? A: The Sephardic custom is to study Torah on Erev Tish’a B’Av after midday, even when it is on a weekday, and especially when it occurs on Shabbat. The Rama in Darche Moshe[1] cites the opinion of the … [Read more...]
Ben HaMetzarim FAQ’s
An excerpt from our upcoming Tammuz edition of the D'var Hashem - Sephardic Halacha Journal By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi, Lakewood Q: May one rinse their mouth on a fast day? A: On the four fasts (excluding Tish’a B’Av and Yom Kippur), some say that if one ensures that he does not swallow any liquid, it is allowed if necessary[1]. Hacham Ovadia Yosef זצ"ל writes[2] that even in … [Read more...]