To what extent does Bal Tashchit apply to leftovers at the end of a meal? Can I throw away leftover bread? What about all the uneaten food that my children put on their plates? What about the leftover food in the pans? As noted in our previous segment, food that will not be eaten and no longer serves any purpose may be discarded. It therefore follows that food that was … [Read more...]
Bal Tashchit – Do Not Waste, Part 1
Halachot of Daily Living Q: I heard that it is not Bal Tashchit to throw things away if it is not worth my time to reuse them. Bal Tashchit of time outweighs Bal Tashchit of wasting items. For example, at the end of a meal, may a caterer throw everything away, or must he salvage those items that can be saved (e.g. mustard, pickles) which could be very … [Read more...]
One Hundred Berachot – Part 2: The Nature of the Obligation
Introduction The exact nature of the obligation to recite one-hundred Berachot a day is a matter of debate. While the origin of this obligation certainly indicates that it is a rabbinic enactment, there are those who maintain that it is a Torah obligation (perhaps a Halacha L’Moshe MiSinai – a law that was communicated orally to Moses at Sinai. Such laws, while unrecorded … [Read more...]
One Hundred Daily Berachot
The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer OU Kosher Halacha Yomis This Column is dedicated in memory of: Rav Chaim Yisroel ben Reb Dov HaLevi Belsky, zt’l Senior OU Kosher Halachic Consultant from 1987-2016Part 1: The Origin The Talmud in tractate Menahot (43b) tells us that a person is obligated to recite one hundred Berachot every day. It bases this obligation on the Passuk in … [Read more...]
TAKING DOWN A SUKKAH DURING SUKKOT I will be going away for the last days of Sukkot, and I do not need my Sukkah anymore. Can I take it down on Hol Hamo’ed before I leave? The Gemara (Sukkah 9a) derives from the verse (VaYikra 23:34) “The Hag of Sukkot shall be seven days for Hashem” that just as a Korban Hagiga (alluded to by the word “Hag” which is seemingly … [Read more...]