What Beracha is recited on peanut butter (a spoonful of peanut butter eaten plain)? There are two opinions regarding the Beracha on peanut butter. Here, we will discuss the opinion that the Beracha on peanut butter is Shehakol. The Shulhan Aruch (OH 208:8) writes that one recites Ha’adama on cooked beans. The Rama adds that if the beans completely disintegrate, one … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
What is the reason we recite Birkot HaTorah? There is a disagreement among the Rishonim as to whether Birkot HaTorah is a Torah obligation or a Rabbinic obligation. Sefer Pene Moshe 1:1 (Benvenisti) writes that the Ramban, Rashba and Sefer HaHinuch maintain that there is a Biblical obligation to recite Birkot HaTorah daily. This is derived from the verse (Devarim 32:3) “When … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living: Laws related to Birkot HaTorah
I was up all night. Do I recite Birkot HaTorah in the morning? This is a common question on Shavu’ot. The Mishnah Berurah (47:28) writes that there is a difference of opinion among Poskim as to whether one who was awake all night recites Birkot HaTorah in the morning. The Gr”a (47:12) and P’ri Hadash (47:12) write that one does not recite a Beracha; however, the Magen … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living: Laws related to Zimmun
If one knows that he will need to leave the meal early, and he does not want to have to wait for a zimun, what should he do? The obligation of zimun is only if three or more men are kovea (establish) themselves to eat together. This means that the men deliberately sit down to eat together, or they finish eating together. However, if one sits down with two that already began … [Read more...]
OU Daily Living: Laws related to Birkat HaMazon
Could you please clarify when a kos (cup of wine) should be used for Zimun? Maran in Shulhan Aruch (O.H. 182:1) quotes three different opinions as to when a kos is required for Birkat HaMazon: One opinion holds that anytime one recites Birkat HaMazon one must recite the it with a kos. This entails holding a full cup of wine during Birkat HaMazon, reciting Bore P’ri … [Read more...]