Q: What is the proper Beracha over cheese cake, ice cream in a cone or an ice cream sandwich? A: The Beracha over any food with an ingredient of the five grains (wheat, barley, spelt, rye and oat) that is added for flavor or to satisfy would be Mezonot[1]. Therefore, the Beracha over an ice cream sandwich or even cheese cake would be Mezonot. With regards to ice cream in a … [Read more...]
Beracha over Oral Care Strips
Q: Does one recite a Beracha over oral care strips? A: Although many Poskim require one to recite a Beracha over chewing gum[1], in the case of oral strips – being that the flavored strip disappears almost instantly[2] – one can liken it to a mere tasting in which Maran rules not to recite a Beracha[3], in addition to the fact that one’s main intention is only to freshen … [Read more...]
Beracha over Ice Cream
Q: Does one recite a Beracha over ice cream eaten within the Se’uda? A: The Ohr L’Tziyon[1] distinguishes between pareve ice cream which consists of liquids and is therefore exempt from a Beracha during a Se’udah[2]. Dairy ice cream, however, has the status of a food, and since it does not come to compliment the bread, it requires its own Beracha[3]. It would seem that … [Read more...]
Moving Orchids & Other Potted-Plants on Shabbat
Q: We often adorn our house with orchids. Is it permissible to move them aside on Shabbat? A: Yes. However, one may not place them near a dirt floor or near sunlight in order to benefit them. There is a distinction in Halacha between a punctured potted-plant (עציץ נקוב), which can absorb the earth’s nutrients and is considered to be fully attached to the ground, thus, … [Read more...]
What to Do with Leftover Hanukkah Oil?
Q: What is the appropriate way to dispose of the leftover Hanukkah oil? A: The Shulhan Aruch[1] rules that one must burn the leftover oil from the Hanukkah candles. Many Rishonim[2] write that this is because the oil has some Keddusha, being that it represents the oil used in the Menorah in the Bet Hamikdash[3]. Rav Hayim Palacci suggests[4] that one may still use the oil … [Read more...]