Q: Do a Hattan and Kallah have to fast on Ta’anit Esther during their Sheva Berachot? A: Most Poskim follow the opinion of the Ritva[1] that a Hattan and Kallah are obligated to observe the four fasts commemorating the Hurban, citing the verse[2] which requires us to be mindful of Yerushalayim – particularly during our times of joy[3]. However, in the case of Ta’anit Esther … [Read more...]
Parashat Zachor for Women
Q: Are women obligated to hear Parashat Zachor? A: Some Poskim maintain that women must also hear Parashat Zachor as the Mitzva of Zechirat Amalek is not considered to be time-bound[1], and because the victory over Amalek pertained to women as well. However, the Hinuch reasons that because women are exempt from fighting in battle[2], and the main purpose of reading Zachor is … [Read more...]
Carrying in a Hotel on Shabbat
Q: I recently stayed in a hotel for Shabbat with a few other Jewish families. Do I need to set up an Eruv Hatzerot to allow me to carry? A: Ideally, one should set an Eruv without a Beracha. The Halacha is that one may not carry on Shabbat in a domain which is shared by multiple dwellers – such as a shared courtyard – without first setting up an “Eruv Hatzerot”. This Eruv … [Read more...]
Pausing between the Beracha and Eating
Q: What is the Halacha if one paused between reciting a Beracha and eating? A: One should not utter even one word[1] about an unrelated matter between the Beracha and the eating. If one did so they must recite the Beracha again[2]. However, if one spoke for the purpose of the food (i.e. asking for salt), one does not have to recite the Beracha again[3]. Similarly, if one … [Read more...]
Bore Nefashot after Drinking
Q: Does one recite a Bore Nefashot after drinking hot coffee or tea? A: Unless one drinks an entire Revi’it (about 3 oz.) in one shot, one should not make a Bore Nefashot[1]. [Answered by Rabbi Moshe Pinhasi] Sources: [1] מרן באו"ח סי' תריב ס"י פסק כהרמב"ם (פ"ב משבה"ע ה"ד) ששיעור הצירוף לשתיה הוא כדי שתיית רביעית, ובשם י"א (ראב"ד פ"י מתרו' ה"ג) כ' ששיעור צירוף השתיה … [Read more...]