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Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshat Tazria
Meseches Chulin Daf 129-135 Daf 129 Daf 130 Daf 131 Daf 132 Daf 133 Daf 134 Daf 135 … [Read more...]
Halachos of Daily Living
Laws related to Berachos The Hayye Adam (61:4) writes that the Beracha on cloves is “Bore Mine Besamim”. He explains that although cloves are the fruit of a tree and rightfully the Beracha should be “HaNoten Reah Tov BaPerot”, nonetheless since cloves are completely inedible, it is inappropriate to refer to them as a fruit. Since cloves do not fit into any of the other … [Read more...]
On the Edge: The International Date Line in Halacha
An Overview of a Shiur by Rav Yosef Greenwald for Parashat Tazria/HaHodesh (החודש הזה לכם ראש חדשים (שמות יב:א Where is the Date Line located according to halacha? Three basic approaches are offered. Hazon Ish: 6 hours (90 degrees) ahead of Yerushalayim, which runs through Siberia, part of China, and part of Australia (though continuous land masses are not divided … [Read more...]
Ribbit: Matters of Interest
ASKING THE BORROWER TO CASH A CHECK A person asks his friend for a loan. His friend agrees to lend him money, but since he only has a check, he tells him to cash the check, borrow the amount he needs, and return the rest… A fellow asks his friend for a loan. The would-be lender claims he has no money, but gives the borrower some merchandise to sell with the … [Read more...]