Missing a day of Sefirat Ha’omer, by Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi As the Sefirat Ha’Omer is well under way, we all hope to be able to count every single day without fail until Shavu’ot. The all-too-common scenario is that of a person who forgot to count one day, or counted a wrong number. In this article we will discuss the various applications of the Halacha in these possible … [Read more...]
The Troublesome Tax Haven
The Panama Papers, Wearing Sha’atnez and Tax Avoidance / By: Rabbi Yosef Fund Several important documents were leaked in the April 2016 scandal known as the “Panama Papers”. The leaked documents detail the operations of a Panamanian law firm and its clients’ shell companies. Creating an offshore business entity is not illegal in the jurisdiction in which it is registered. … [Read more...]
The Sephardic Halacha Journal, Nissan 5776
The Sephardic Halacha Journal Nissan 5776 … [Read more...]
A Labor of Love
By Rabbi Ariel Ovadia The question of the Rasha in the Haggada is packed with cynicism: "מה העבודה הזאת לכם" - “What is this work unto you?” The Ritva, Shibbole HaLeket and others understand that the Rasha is mocking the Mitzvot of Pessah by distancing himself from what he refers to as “work”. Our answer is equally hard-hitting, accusing the Rasha of heresy and declaring … [Read more...]
The Radiant Sun: Ribbi Shalom Messas זצ”ל
Golden Roots One of the great luminaries of Moroccan Jewry in recent times was the revered Rav of Yerushalyim, Ribbi Shalom Messas זצ"ל. Ribbi Shalom was born in 1909 to his father Ribbi Mimoun and mother Rahel in Meknes, a city steeped in scholarship and Yir’at Shamayim, that has produced outstanding Hachamim for many generations. Ribbi Mimoun was the author of Otzrot … [Read more...]