Adapted by Rabbi Ariel Ovadia[1] Our Hachamim prohibited any milk that a non-Jew milks without Jewish supervision out of the suspicion that non-kosher milk may be mixed in[2]. This is referred to as “Halav Akum”. Milk that is supervised by a Jew is referred to as “Halav Yisrael”. In this article, we will discuss some of the relevant applications of this Halacha. Video … [Read more...]
The Later the Better
Does accepting Yom Tov early detract from the days of Sefira? Adapted from a Shiur by Rabbi Avraham Y. Cohen Many of us look forward to the beautiful Tikkun-reading and the intense learning that fills Shavu’ot night. Rabbis and laymen alike choose an engaging topic in advance, that will allow them to experience the beauty of in-depth Torah learning on the night of Kabbalat … [Read more...]
Tow-Away Zone
Parking on your neighbor’s property and adverse possession in Halacha By Rav Shlomo Cohen, Dayan at Ahavas Shalom, Yerushalayim, Author of Pure Money Good fences make good neighbors, as the old adage goes. When neighbors live in close proximity, there are times when clear property lines must be drawn. However, what happens when a neighbor steps over the line? Can a person … [Read more...]
Checks and Balances
Are bank accounts considered tangible assets or an outstanding loan to a financial institution? By Dayan Shmuel B. Honigwachs Loan or Deposit? Thanks to modern-day banking, most of us can rest assured that our savings will not be lost due to theft or other natural causes. In the US and elsewhere, the government puts our minds at an even greater ease by insuring a certain … [Read more...]
A Kosher Keurig?
Dipping the Keurig Machine and Other Sensitive Electric Appliances Reviewed by Rav Mordechai Lebhar, Rosh Kollel Link Los Angeles and Posek for the SHC[1] A staple in the modern day work place, the Keurig coffee machine is a source of delight and relaxation from the day-to-day stress of the office. Having brewed coffee in a matter of seconds without a lingering mess is a … [Read more...]