Adapted by Rabbi Ariel Ovadia[1] Why is honey kosher? The Gemara in Bechorot[2] poses the following problem: if the general rule is that what emanates from what is non-kosher is non-kosher (i.e. camel milk is not kosher), why then is honey kosher? After all, honey emanates from non-kosher bees. The Gemara cites two opinions as to why bee’s honey is permitted. According to … [Read more...]
Pennies on the Dollar
Debt Settlement in Halacha By Dayan Baruch Meir Levine We all take on too much. Often customers invest in their businesses with the hope that they will be able to advance only to find that the specific venture was not profitable and they are left with a pile of bills. Let us take the example of a customer who had fallen on hard times and had outstanding bills to the tune … [Read more...]
Have a Safe Trip
A practical guide to Hilchot Tefillat HaDerech By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi Whether it is a family trip, camping trip, heading upstate or even touring Eretz Yisra'el, many of us plan to hit the road this summer. A recent AAA survey found that nearly 56 percent of U.S. drivers are planning a road trip this summer, taking advantage of the lowest gas prices since 2005. However, the … [Read more...]
Counting Heads
The Halachot of counting people and possessions Adapted from a Shiur by Rav Dov Bresser In an increasingly statistics-based society, we are always counting, measuring and polling. Governments count votes and constituents in order to function as democracies, gauge policies and provide services. Scientists and doctors count cured or infected patients in order to properly assess … [Read more...]
Letters of Understanding
Making or breaking a binding letter of understanding according to Halacha By Dayan Yehoshua Wolfe Businesses cannot run without a sense of certainty that deals or agreements between parties will not be suddenly aborted or changed. To secure this, businesses often rely on a letter of understanding, also known as a letter of intent, which is a formal text, commonly used to … [Read more...]