Are decisions made out of anger Halachically binding? By Dayan Yosef Greenwald Occasionally, in the course of business dealings, people can get angry or upset and say or do things they regret later on. Do such actions have legal validity according to Halacha? Let us consider the following example. Someone took a ride in a taxi, and at the conclusion of the trip, he began … [Read more...]
Buyers (and Sellers) Beware / Part 2
The laws of overcharging or underpaying for real estate or services By Dayan David Grossman, Rosh Bet HaVa'ad Our good friend Sarah has put her house up for sale, and she plans on buying a house in a different area. One realtor has told Sarah that she is willing to sell her a house in that other neighborhood at way below market value. As we have … [Read more...]
Relocating a Kever
When and how is it permitted to move a Kever to another location? By Rabbi Ariel Ovadia In the turbulent world we live in, many countries which were considered somewhat stable just a few years ago, are now engulfed in civil war or other volatile situations. Fortunately, Jewish communities in places such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other such countries have been … [Read more...]
Buyers (and Sellers) Beware / Part 1
The Halachot of overcharging and underpaying By Dayan David Grossman, Rosh Bet HaVaad On her way back from driving her daughter’s carpool, Sarah spotted a yard sale on a side street. An elderly Jewish woman had passed away and her children were eager to sell her house and her belongings. Never one to pass up a bargain, Sarah decided to see what was being offered. She found a … [Read more...]
Partners in Torah?
How do “Yissachar-Zevulun” partnerships actually work? By Rav Eliezer Cohen, Rosh Kollel Ner Mizrach, Atlanta GA Introduction Most people do not have sufficient time and financial resources to learn Torah as a full-time occupation. Of course, they certainly have a personal obligation to study Torah for at least a portion of each day. However, they may wish to go beyond the … [Read more...]