In the not-so-rare case of food poisoning, who pays who? By Dayan David Grossman Eli walked into Glatt Smart and ordered a large assortment of salads, dips, and mazza for Shabbat. After taking his packages, he began to walk out, when he was stopped by Eddie, the owner of the store. Eddie said to him, "Sir, please excuse me, but you forgot to pay." Eli replied emphatically, … [Read more...]
Reciting Kiddush over Cooked Wine
By Rabbi Yehuda Faguet, Rav of JLIC, Santa Monica, CA Unless you are a wine connoisseur, you are most likely to seek out “Yayin Mevushal” – “cooked wine” – to use for Kiddush and Havdala. This is because unlike uncooked wine, which can easily be subject to the prohibition of S’tam Yeinam by coming in contact with a non-Jew, cooked wine is not subject to this issue. It is … [Read more...]
Owning the Market
Fair Trade and Monopolies in Halacha By Rav Yaakov Rappaport Long before the establishment of the Federal Trade Commission, there were debates regarding trade regulations. Is the government responsible to protect consumers, or is it the responsibility of “buyer beware”? There is a plethora of government agencies that strive to produce rules and regulations to produce a fair … [Read more...]
The Sephardic Halacha Journal, Tammuz 5776
The Sephardic Halacha Journal tammuz 5776 nc … [Read more...]
Ben HaMetzarim FAQ’s
An excerpt from our upcoming Tammuz edition of the D'var Hashem - Sephardic Halacha Journal By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi, Lakewood Q: May one rinse their mouth on a fast day? A: On the four fasts (excluding Tish’a B’Av and Yom Kippur), some say that if one ensures that he does not swallow any liquid, it is allowed if necessary[1]. Hacham Ovadia Yosef זצ"ל writes[2] that even in … [Read more...]