Charging for lost income due to missed appointments By Dayan Yehoshua Grunwald, Dayan at the Bet HaVa’ad Delinquent Clients Query: As a professional consultant, I service my clients for half-hour appointments scheduled in advance. Many times, clients miss appointments, causing loss of my time that … [Read more...]
Ascending the Temple Mount
Patrolling the Har HaBayit may entail a rigorous Halachic protocol By Rav Yosef Fund, Posek for the Bet HaVa’ad Visiting Har HaBayit – the Temple Mount – is all the “rage” these days, as many Jews from diverse backgrounds are now taking advantage of the limited access they are afforded to our holiest site. This has sparked an outrage among Muslims, who have been violently … [Read more...]
Tish’a B’Av FAQ’s
By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi Torah study on Shabbat afternoon, Erev Tish’a B’Av Q: Must one refrain from general Torah-study on the Shabbat afternoon of Erev Tish’a B’Av? A: The Sephardic custom is to study Torah on Erev Tish’a B’Av after midday, even when it is on a weekday, and especially when it occurs on Shabbat. The Rama in Darche Moshe[1] cites the opinion of the … [Read more...]
Untappable Funds?
Is one allowed to borrow from the Tzeddaka box? By Rav Yaakov Rappaport, Dayan for Bet HaVa’ad, South Bend, Indiana The Cohens, just like the rest of us, have a plethora of Tzeddaka boxes in their house, from Yeshivas to Bikkur Holim and various other Tzeddaka organizations. One of these Tzeddaka boxes comes with a convenient plastic cover, which can be removed and put back … [Read more...]
Eating Meat During the Nine Days
By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi While the Mishna[1] only mentions that one should not eat meat on Tish’a B’Av eve, the Tur and Shulhan Aruch write that there are various customs to refrain from eating meat on the days leading up to Tish’a B’Av[2]. Some do not eat meat during the entire three weeks, others only refrain during the week of Tish’a B’Av, while the accepted custom is not to … [Read more...]