OU Berachot We learned previously that if one eats an entire meal of an item that is considered Pat HaBa’ah B’Kisnin, the Berachot recited would be HaMotzi and Birkat HaMazon. Is the amount of Pat HaBa’ah B’Kisnin that would mandate HaMotzi the same for everyone? No. To require the Beracha of HaMotzi one must eat an amount - “she’aherim kov’im alav” that other people … [Read more...]
Ribbit: Matters of Interest
SENDING A PACKAGE OVERSEAS It is customary to give “Shaliah Mitzvah money” as a shmirah (protection) to someone who is traveling, in order that they give it to tzedakah upon arrival at their destination. May the giver request favors from the traveler, such as also taking a package with him overseas? This seldom involves a Ribbit issue, since the money is not given as a … [Read more...]
Your Best Clothes: Clothing for K’vod Shabbat
Parasha & Halacha Shiur Summary by Rabbi Yehoshua Sova The Midrash Rabba in Rut says that Hashem has mercy over someone who must be afflicted with Tzara’at, and therefore the Tzara’at first appears on the house, then on the clothing, and finally on his own body. We see the importance of clothing, which stand between a person and affliction, as the Gemara refers to … [Read more...]
Ramifications of a Broken Kinyan : Reneging on an Agreement Part III
By: Rabbi Yosef Greenwald The Offense of the Mi ShePara As we discussed in the previous segments, when one reneges on a Kinyan Kessef (backing out after the money was given, before taking the item into one’s possesion), he is subjected to the following curse: “Mi shepara, m'anshe dor hamabul um'anshei dor hapalaga, hu yifra etc.”. He (Hashem), who avenged the generation … [Read more...]
Flight Risk: Max Pressure at Boeing
Adapted from a shiur by Rav Daniel Dombroff Is Boeing liable for the doomed 737 Max? The world’s largest aircraft manufacturer was in crisis. The 737, Boeing’s workhorse aircraft, had been selling briskly since 1967. The company was working on a fourth-generation model, the 737 Max, which would increase fuel efficiency and range while reducing noise. Meanwhile, … [Read more...]