The Prohibition of Hadash and its Practical Applications Adapted from a Shiur by Rav Mordechai Lebhar שליט"א, Rosh Kollel LINK, Los Angeles and Posek for the SHC In and Out of Eretz Yisrael The Pasuk says[1] “Thou shall not eat bread, roasted grain, and fresh kernels until you bring the sacrifice of Hashem on this very day [the sixteenth of Nissan] ”. This means, that one is … [Read more...]
Paying on Time
The obligation of paying one’s employees on time By Dayan Yehoshua Grunwald The Mitzvah Hiring an employee comes along with the responsibility of many Torah and rabbinic commandments, the most basic of which is paying on time. On a biblical level, when an employer doesn't pay his employee within the end of the day (or night) of the last day of a work cycle, he can … [Read more...]
The Latest iPhone
Pre-ordering merchandise and issues of Ribbit By Dayan Shmuel B. Honigwachs, Bet HaVa’ad Halacha Center Dave loves technology. So when he heard that Apple was releasing it newest product, the iPhone 7, he quickly tried to decide whether or not he can afford to constantly keep up with the latest. Unfortunately, he thought for too long. When he finally got through to Apple they … [Read more...]
Severance Pay
Is there a Halachic directive with regards to severance pay? By Dayan Baruch Meir Levine Q: After being a teacher for over 20 years at a local elementary school, I will be leaving at the end of this year. Baruch Hashem, the administration has been financially very supportive over the years despite the hardships they faced. However, they do not seem to be offering me any sort … [Read more...]
Wine & Dine
The obligation to recite Kiddush where one will eat their Shabbat meal By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi A Problematic Custom The Gemara in Pesahim[1] discusses the custom that was prevalent in the times of the Talmud, to recite Kiddush in the Bet HaKenesset after Arvit on Friday night. The Gemara cites a debate between Rav and Shemuel. According to Rav, those present can rely on that … [Read more...]