Buying and Selling Manufacturing Rights By Dayan Shlomo Cohen, Author of “Pure Money” and Dayan at Ahavat Shalom, Yerushalaim We usually think of buying and selling in regard to tangible items, such as cookies, pens, socks, and cars. Nowadays, though, there is an entire marketplace for intangible items, as well; people buy and sell royalties for a certain product or … [Read more...]
An Etrog or a Lemon?
The Halachic method for identifying a real Etrog By Rav Mordechai Lebhar, Posek for the SHC, Rosh Kollel LINK Los Angeles, and author of Magen Avot If you haven’t done so yet, chances are that you are searching for a proper set of Arba’at HaMinim for the upcoming holiday of Sukkot. Surely, you seek out a beautiful Etrog with which to fulfill this precious Mitzvah. You look at … [Read more...]
Rosh HaShana FAQ’s
By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi Q: Do women have to hear the Shofar? A: Women are exempt from hearing the Shofar as it is a time-bound positive Mitzvah[1]. However, the proper custom is that women come to the Bet Kenesset to hear Shofar[2]. One who is blowing only for women he should not recite a Beracha, nevertheless, it is permitted to carry the Shofar through Reshut HaRabbim on … [Read more...]
Living on the Edge
Leading a risky lifestyle from the viewpoint of Halacha By Rav Yitzhak Grossman The 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Italians held a state funeral recently to mourn 37 of the 292 known deaths of the earthquake that occurred on Wednesday, August 24th. The quake could not have been a total surprise, since the region in which it occurred, the Apennine Mountains, is one of the … [Read more...]
Recalling Faulty Merchandise
Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 Recall By Dayan Shlomo Cohen, Dayan at Ahavat Shalom, Yerushalayim and author of “Pure Money” A Perfect Product Samsung, the manufacturer of the Galaxy Note 7, made a bold step by announcing the recall of all the phones sold. The problem seems to be a risk of fire and even explosion. The recall would seem to be a declaration of a defect in the … [Read more...]