Liability for Borrowed Mitzvah Items / By Rabbi Ariel Ovadia As Simhat Torah was nearing by, Reuven – the devoted Gabbai of the small Sephardic Minyan in his town – scrambled to find a third Sefer, so that they would be able to conduct the readings in the proper fashion. He finally convinced one of his cousins, Jack Levy, who had donated a Sefer Torah to an established … [Read more...]
Appliances on Shabbat
Refrigerators and More on Shabbat - Parasha & Halacha Series, Parashat Bereshit by Rav Mordechai Lebhar, Posek for the SHC and author of Magen Avot … [Read more...]
Home Depot S’chach?
An Audio Shiur by Rabbi Mordechai Lebhar, Posek for the SHC and Rosh Kollel Link, Los Angeles … [Read more...]
The Stolen Etrog
By Dayan Shlomo Cohen, Badatz Ahavat Shalom, Yerushalayim The Case In search of a special Etrog for Sukkot, Mr. Cohen visited the famous Arba’at HaMinim market in Jerusalem's Me’ah She’arim district. At one of the stalls he found two beautiful looking candidates between which he could not decide. He asked for permission to show the two Etrogim to his rabbi and the stall owner … [Read more...]
Yom Kippur FAQ’s
Q: What should one do if he forgot to say “HaMelech HaMishpat” on Asseret Yeme Teshuva? A: According to Maran[1], if he remembers within three seconds (“Toch Kede Dibbur”), he may say it then. If he remembers after that time, or after starting the next Beracha, he must go back to “Hashiva”. If one only remembers after finishing the Amida, he should repeat the Amida, because … [Read more...]