A Parasha & Halacha Audio Shiur by Rabbi Moshe Hachuel … [Read more...]
Praying from an iPhone
Do the Siddur apps pose a Halachic problem? By Rav Mordechai Lebhar, Rosh Kollel Link Los Angeles, based on a response to an article written by Rabbi Zvi Ryzman, author of Ratz KaTzvi series, Los Angeles Hands-Free The Gemara in Berachot [1] writes that one who is praying Amida should hold in his handsTefillin, a Sefer Torah, a knife or a bowl and other such items which, … [Read more...]
Halacha's perspective on monetary dealings with non-Jews A Parasha Audio Shiur, by Dayan Shlomo Cohen, Badatz Ahavat Shalom, Yerushalaim … [Read more...]
Bishul Yisrael: An Overview
By Rabbi Michael Ovadia Introduction The prohibition referred to as “Bishul Akum”, is the rabbinic injunction against the consumption of food cooked by non-Jews. According to almost all Rishonim, this prohibition was enacted in order to prevent intermarriage[1]. Because food that was cooked by a non-Jew is considered non-kosher, all utensils in which it was cooked are … [Read more...]
The Torah Heist 2: A Happy Ending
A watchman’s rights to a returned stolen item / By Rabbi Ariel Ovadia Last week, we learned that one who borrows an item solely for the purpose of fulfilling a Mitzvah, may not be considered a “Sho’el” – a borrower – with the strictest level of liability, but rather a “Shomer Sachar” (a paid watchman), which is not liable in an event of an unforeseeable circumstance[1], or … [Read more...]