Q: If I take my Tefillin off to go to the bathroom, do I have to recite a Beracha when I put them on again? A: Yes. However, it is best to make a condition before reciting the Beracha that you do not intend the Beracha to carry on if you take them off to go to the bathroom. Maran rules[1] that any time one removes their Tefillin, even if he has in mind to put them back on, … [Read more...]
First-Aid Fiasco
Are first responders responsible to pay for damages? By Rav Shmuel Y. Yoffe, Author of Sefer Shevile Tzion Rushing to an Emergency There are dozens of Hatzalah chapters throughout the United States, with hundreds of volunteers who devote themselves to the great Mitzvah of saving lives. Hatzalah personnel are trained to respond to calls quickly and effectively, oftentimes, … [Read more...]
The Eviction of Ammona
Kicking settlers out of their homes in the eyes of Halacha By Dayan Shlomo Cohen, Badatz Ahavat Shalom, Yerushalayim The Jewish settlers of Ammona in the West bank were shocked by the recent ruling of the Israeli Supreme Court that they are to be evicted by the 25th of December. The settlement was founded many years ago by the Israeli government and the settlers were … [Read more...]
A State of Shock
The Laws of Aninut - A Parasha & Halacha Audio Shiur, Haye Sara 5777 by Rabbi Ariel Ovadia … [Read more...]
Your Day in Court
You were dragged into secular court, and you won… now what? By Dayan Shlomo Cohen, Badatz Ahavat Shalom, Yerushalayim In two previous articles on the proposed law to make the recovery of Nazi bounty easier, (The Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act) it was explained that there is a contradiction in the way Bet Din will rule and the ruling in a secular court. In the case … [Read more...]