Can one opt-out of his household’s Hadlakah and light with a Beracha? The Sephardic Halacha Journal - Kislev 5777 BY RAV MORDECHAI LEBHAR, Rosh Kollel Link Los Angeles, author of Magen Avot and Posek for the SHC and Bet HaVa’ad One of the important discussions around the lighting of the Hanukkah candles, pertains to the Sephardic Minhag that only one Menorah is lit per … [Read more...]
The Clumsy Employee
Is an employee liable for accidents? Would you still be on the hook to pay an employee who causes damage? A Parasha & Halacha Audio Shiur, By Dayan Shlomo Cohen, Badatz Ahavat Shalom, Yerushalayim and author of "Pure Money" … [Read more...]
Donut Season
Are donuts a bread, a cookie, or something in between? By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi The month of Kislev is upon us, and the age-old tradition of eating donuts (Sufganiyot) on Hanukkah is already is enjoying the usual pre-season. This brings to mind a number of questions that are discussed in the Poskim, revolving around the issue of how we classify a donut regarding the laws of … [Read more...]
A “Steal” of a Deal
What to do when your investor cuts you out By Dayan Benzion Sprei Q: As a property manager in the Central Jersey area, I came across a good deal on a bank owned (REO) 2-family rental property. Being that it was a “cash only” deal, I approached an investor and proposed partnering up with him for this investment. He liked the idea and after working out the details, we left off … [Read more...]
My Wise Servant: Hacham Ovadia Hedaya זצ”ל
The great Posek and Mekubal, Hacham Ovadia Hedaya זצ"ל, author of the seminal Teshuvot “Yaskil Avdi” and other renowned works, straddled the worlds of Halacha and Kabbala – Nigle and Nistar – in the tradition of his ancestors and the outstanding Hachamim of Am Yisra’el. Born in Aleppo in 1889 to his father, Hacham Shalom and his mother, Rabbanit Sara, great-granddaughter of the … [Read more...]