Who is Liable for the Maintenance of Safety Standards? Adapted by Rabbi Ariel Ovadia This past week, a passenger train in Brooklyn, New York ran into a bumper block at the Atlantic station at the speed of 10 to 15 miles per hour. The train overrode the buffers and crashed into a room in the station building. A total of 103 people were injured; 31 of them were taken to the … [Read more...]
The Fast of Assara B’Tevet
An audio Shiur on the Fast of Assara B'Tevet by Dayan David Englander … [Read more...]
Your’e Fired!
Some of the Halachic Considerations of Firing By Dayan David Grossman, Rosh Bet HaVa’ad, Lakewood As the economy moves up and down in these trying times, giving rise to many unconventional businesses while turning many industries into mere shadows of what they once were, crunching big, established institutions and teaching us to always expect the unexpected, these are some … [Read more...]
Caring for a Grandparent
Answered by Rabbi Ariel Ovadia Q: My grandfather must be given an injection daily at his home. May I, as a grandchild, administer the injection? A: Yes. The Gemara states that grandchildren are considered like one’s own children. This would have implications regarding the fulfillment of the Mitzvah of having children[1], the obligation to teach one’s sons Torah[2] among … [Read more...]
Hanukkah FAQ’s
Answered by Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi Q: Where should I light if I get married on Hanukkah? A: If the Huppa will take place after star-break, one would fulfill the obligation with the lighting of his parents. One should also light in one’s new home after the wedding, without a Beracha, to satisfy the opinions that the place where one sleeps and lives in the following day is … [Read more...]