By Dayan Yosef Greenwald, Dayan Bet HaVa’ad, Yerushalayim In our previous article we discussed using Ma’aser funds to pay for tuition and child support of young children. We concluded that whenever an expense is deemed an obligation, it cannot be funded by Ma’asrot, and thus many Poskim maintain that in our day and age – a Torah education up until the sixth and seventh grade … [Read more...]
May one eat or drink in a Bet Kenesset or Bet Midrash? By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi[1] As a designated place for Tefilla and Avodat Hashem, a Bet HaKenesset or Bet Midrash warrants proper respect. The Gemara in Mesechet Megilla[2] details the appropriate conduct in these holy places. Needless to say, any conduct which is openly disrespectable is completely forbidden. Yet, even … [Read more...]
Child Support from Ma’aser Money
By Dayan Yosef Greenwald, Dayan Bet HaVa’ad, Yerushalayim Some of the important discussions regarding the disbursement of Ma’aser funds, pertain to the support one’s children. May Ma’aser be used for marrying off a child? May it be used for supporting a son in Kollel? How about paying tuition for high school yeshiva students or hefty seminary payments? These are some of the … [Read more...]
Good Night, Moon
Can Birkat HaLevana be recited only at night? By Rav Mordechai Lebhar / Senior Posek for the SHC and Rosh Kollel LINK, Los Angeles While the general Minhag is to recite Birkat HaLevana on Motza’e Shabbat, it may often be necessary to recite it on a weekday due to cloudy skies. This can pose a potential Halachic issue for those who pray Arvit and want to recite Birkat HaLevana … [Read more...]
Foreign Currency Loans
By Dayan Yehonatan D. Hool As the economy is showing signs of improvement, the Federal Reserve is slowly beginning to increase interest rates. The Fed has held rates near zero since December 2008, and any increase would lead the dollar to strengthen against other currencies. While this move is subject to debate among economists, in this article we will discuss the Halacha … [Read more...]