Can one join a Minyan or fulfill the audible Mitzvot via skype, telephone or other voice-transmitting devices? By Rav Yosef Fund / Posek for the Bet HaVa’ad, Lakewood Since the advent of voice-transmitting technology, towards the end of the nineteenth century, the Poskim have grappled with the prospect of fulfilling Mitzvot using such methods. Can one hear Megilla, join a … [Read more...]
Out of Business
Can a big chain-store set up shop while driving the little guys out of business? By Dayan Shlomo Cohen Many questions arise in the cutthroat world of business as to what form of competition is ethical or morally acceptable, and what is not. The Torah gives us guidelines (as explained in two previous articles on this subject) which can be applied to many common business … [Read more...]
Rubik’s Cube on Shabbat?
Is playing Rubik’s cube and other such games on Shabbat an issue of Borer? By Rav Mordechai Lebhar[1] Introduction to the Laws of Borer The foundation of the 39 Melachot, acts of work, which are prohibited for one to do on Shabbat is creativity. The Torah forbade creative labor on the Shabbat. The Be’ur Halacha[2] explains that the prohibition of selecting – Borer – on … [Read more...]
Freedom of Religion
How far can a government or community go to limit what an individual does or practices in their private life? Based on a Shiur by Rabbi Micha Cohen Introduction In secular law, there is an ongoing discussion about whether a government can or should limit an individual’s private life choices. One example of this is the Supreme Court’s 1923 decision in Meyer vs. Nebraska. The … [Read more...]
Reaping the Reward, Part 2: “Free” Download
By Dayan Shlomo Cohen Previously… In our previous article, we identified four levels of benefitting from the efforts of another: 1. Grabbing a unique find before the person who spotted it is not immoral according to all opinions. 2. Acquiring a unique item before another prospective buyer is immoral according to Rashi but not according Rabbenu Tam. 3. Acquiring a … [Read more...]