The Propriety of Taking an Oath in Bet Din according to Halacha1 Introduction The name of Hashem, as we would expect, must be used very carefully. Due to its great sanctity and holiness, there are rules and limitations as to when and how it may be used. One might surmise that it should also be prohibited to take an oath using the name of Hashem. The Rambam (Sefer … [Read more...]
Purim FAQ’s
Your most pressing Purim questions, answered By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi[1] Q: Is one obligated to give Mahatzit HaShekel on behalf of his wife and children? A: The Rama[2] writes that males over twenty-years old should give Mahatzit HaShekel. The Kaf HaHayim[3] and others write that this is also the Sephardic Minhag. Some[4] are of the opinion that even males over thirteen … [Read more...]
Laws of Family Purity – Part 2
A review of the laws of family purity, by Rav Mordechai Lebhar … [Read more...]
Laws of Family Purity – Part 1
A review of the laws of family purity by Rav Mordechai Lebhar … [Read more...]
Fishing for Customers
Is one allowed to lure his competition’s customers away? By Dayan Shlomo Cohen, Badatz Ahavat Shalom, Yerushalayim not given up on his song, and remains the Halachic owner as explained above. The case of the fisherman discussed in the previous article in this series presents a tremendous challenge to the Jewish businessman as far as competition is concerned. To briefly … [Read more...]