Counting Sefira Yourself / Part 2 By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi In our previous article, we discussed the prospect of considering the Hazan’s counting as your own. We concluded that it is better to count yourself, and that even if one heard the counting from someone else with the intent to fulfill the Mitzvah, it is best to repeat the count oneself – without a Beracha. In this … [Read more...]
Eating Before Tefilla
A Parasha & Halacha Audio Shiur for Parashat Ahare-Mot/Kedoshim by Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi … [Read more...]
License to Heal
Click Here to Listen License to Heal / The Halachic obligations and liabilities of a doctor Halacha Shiur on Parashat Tazria~Metzora, By Dayan Shlomo Cohen … [Read more...]
Accepting Returns
Enacting a Halachically viable return policy By Dayan Yehoshua Grunwald Q: I have a store and it is too costly to accept returns from everyone that claims that the merchandise was defective. What can I do to resolve the issue of Mekah Ta’ut (a mistaken purchase)? A: There are two distinct issues with sales of defective merchandise: one of Genevat Da’at (tricking the buyer) … [Read more...]
An Individual Mandate?
Counting Sefirat Ha’Omer Yourself / Part 1 By Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi There are a few instances in which the Torah commands us to count: counting the years of Yovel, counting the days of Ziva, and, of course, counting the Omer. Each counting is conducted in a different manner. With regards to Sefirat Ha’Omer, the Gemara in Menahot[1] derives from the expression “U’Sfartem … [Read more...]